5 Valuable Lessons For Success In The Industry!
- Find your voice and what you have to say. Artists have so much power to influence those around them. Though it may not seem like it, people are watching and listening. Find your voice and what you want to say and then say it.
- Network like crazy, but be very particular about your team. Make sure that those around you adhere to the same values and goals as you. One of the biggest downfalls of an artist is getting dragged down by people who’s intentions or goals are not in alignment with your own.
- Be honest..ALWAYS. Make sure you are being honest to not only those around you, but to yourself as well. Ask yourself if you are being true to your vision and holding on to your integrity. Also, be sure that those around you are being honest with what they say and do. This may mean you lose people or opportunities, but it will always leave you feeling better and taking the right path.
- Create with no limits. As artist we can tend to hold limits on ourselves, thinking that we have to stay within a certain box that has worked before or is what is working for others. My advice to you is, take the risk and have fun with it. You may be surprised to see how thinking outside the box brings out a whole other side of yourself!
- Last but not least…Support those around you and work with those willing to support you. It really is true that there is room for everyone! Be sure to support those artists around you that are doing great things, it will only bring you up. Also, be sure to have enough pride and confidence in yourself that you hold those around you accountable for supporting you as well.