I am a firm believer that the first steps to making something happen is stating that you want to make it happen. You don’t get what you don’t ask for. This may seem simple and you may be thinking “duh,” but you would be surprised how often people hold themselves back from putting out there in the world what they really want. I deal with people on a daily basis and often ask what their goals are, only to be met with an uneasy voice answering, “not sure” or “if I could” in response. Now I’m not naive enough to think that by simply stating you want something that it will magically happen, but I can guarantee that by not stating it you are almost guaranteed to not get it. As a piece of advice or just a friendly side note, the other keys to obtaining your goals after stating them is figuring out the steps to making them happen. But guess what…you live in a time where you can have the answers to your questions, or at least find those who can answer your questions, in a matter of seconds thanks to that thing that has become a permanent resident in your hand – your phone! A quick google search and you will find lots of answers or pieces of advice that can lead to the actions needed to move towards that goal!
Lastly, success is not something that is only for the elite. From my personal experience and surroundings, it is quite the opposite. I have watched many established business people be individuals who have come from very little, had no fancy degree or had some pretty tough upbringings. So there are no excuses but the ones you make to not achieving your goals or getting the things you want from life! So say what you want and work your butt off to get it!