Patrice Peris Voice Studio

Meet Studio Owner and Vocal Coach, Patrice Peris!

If you spend enough time around studio owner and vocal coach Patrice Peris, you are sure to hear her say her signature mantra: “Knowledge is power.” Patrice not only preaches that to her students, but also uses that philosophy in her own life. Patrice got involved with music at a young age and that desire for knowledge has carried her through many years of school and helped her build a career in the music industry. 
Earliest memory with music? How was music part of your life growing up?
From a young age, I would put on shows for my grandma and her sister. I would create the props and scripts and everything. This started when I was 6 or 7 years old and I never stopped loving or being involved in theatre or music. As I got older I got involved with chorus in middle and high school and did a lot of local theatre. I was probably in about 3-4 shows a year. I never did sports and when my parents divorced when I was 8 years old music and theatre became an outlet I could use to express myself. Music is powerful in that it can be a great way to work through whatever feelings or issues you may be dealing with.  
What made you want to pursue music for a living? Is there a singular moment that sticks out?
A couple of life moments stand out. Up until my senior year of high school I had small ensemble roles and didn’t know what I wanted to do. Seeing as I had not landed any major roles, I wasn’t super confident I could pursue theatre or music as a career. But then my senior year a new music and acting director came in, normal auditions happened and I landed a lead role. What pushed things over the edge and gave me confidence to pursue this at the next level was when the directors stopped the full cast during rehearsal and asked them to sit. From here they told me to get up and perform my song for everyone.  When I was done, they said this is what we need for you all to do. I had not felt that validation until this moment and with both of their encouragements I decided to apply to schools for music. 
The second life moment came after college, I found a local theater and was taking classes there to try to get more into community theatre. After a year of taking classes after college, they closed. I ended up searching up a studio in Boston that was more involved with contemporary music. I had always loved to sing more than what was on the radio but had never understood it. It was here that I started my journey as a solo artist and I have not stopped since that point.
The pursuit was decided by those two moments. 
What part of making music do you like the most? Writing? Recording? Do you have a favorite original song?
It depends on the day. I love every aspect of the industry. I love business, I love being able to see how many emails I can get out to professional people, that is so fun for me to connect with other people. Some days I just feel like writing, usually that means there’s something emotional I want to express. I love getting in and getting to record because that’s me time. Recording is a special time because it’s just me. 
My favorite song is always the next one. There’s a piece of me in every song. And I think like many artists the last one is always your best until you make the next one. As an artist, it is all about continuing to push boundaries and try different things and seeing as it is a creation you want each one to be better than the last. 
What do you hope the audience takes away from your songs?
I’m just hoping they connect with it and that they find their own story in it. Music is emotion and we’re all as humans made up of that. If I can get someone to really feel something that’s what it really comes down to. 
Were there ever moments of self-doubt where you thought you might not make it in music? What made you push through those and keep going?
Every other day. I think everyone has points where they doubt themselves no matter what field they are in. I think that’s part of the challenge and the fun of it. If you can look at it as a point where you can keep growing that is good. The important thing is to have a good group of people who have a good mindset themselves and hope they encourage you. There’s never been a plan B. Passion and persistence are the two main things for me. 
What about coaching singers do you enjoy the most?
I love being able to pass things onto others. I learned late in the game about the contemporary world and about the business side. I hope to give artists tools for singing to help them feel empowered. I love being able to help them with their voice but also help those that are with their business. I’ve been teaching for over ten years and had hundreds of students. I’m always trying to stay on my toes and think creatively about ways to help them. There’s no one set way, there are certain technical things that we build in. But each person processes that and understands it differently. 
Fun facts about Patrice: 
Favorite food
Dog or cat?
Dogs but I grew up with rabbits so they hold the key to my heart. 
Waffles or pancakes?
Chocolate chip pancakes. 
Ideal Day Off Activities?
Work out in the morning, play outside with the kids, nice lunch with family, go to recording studio
There is no day off because I have business, artist work, and a family.
Favorite song ever
My Heart must go on by Celine Dion
Favorite TV show
Game of Thrones
Radio Station
107.9 Kiss 108
Artist you’d most want to spend the day with
Alicia Keys
Who would be your ultimate duet partner?
Current: Ruelle, Former: Celine Dion
Pet Peeve
Not picking up after yourself


Want to work with Patrice? Book a FREE half hour consultation with her today! 

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