Bad performances are great for you!
Before you say, “what the heck Patrice,” hear me out. It is no secret that any great company has had a multitude of field products. The difference between the ones that end up becoming the apples of the world is they don’t give up. They rethink the product they rework the product and they make it into a success.
This my friends is no different than an artist who succeeds in the music industry. I have never heard of a performer who has not had a bad performance. I don’t care who you want to put up on a pedestal and think they are all mighty and never screw up, I can guarantee you they’ve had epic fails in their career. The difference is there is a desire and a passion to continue to move forward. I talk about this a lot and I wholeheartedly believe it if you just stay the course you will find success.
Start your path to success on the right foot with my online course, “Learn To Sing Like The Pros!” Learn the key fundamental things needed to become an incredible singer. Here we build the foundation for success! The course includes video instruction, audio guides, printable PDFs, and exercise tracks.