The truth is, I didn’t land a role throughout my high school career in any play until my senior year. I remember my mom saying to me after graduation, “I wasn’t sure how you stayed at it when you just kept getting no roles.” In all honesty, looking back I’m not sure how I did it either. All I know is I loved it and there was a sense of fulfillment in just being a part of something.
It’s a strange thing how much we will endure when we love something so much. For me, it was not even until after college when I found a studio in Boston that I truly can say my journey began as an artist. Yes, I had done numerous shows and yes there was “some confidence” but I still struggled with feeling inadequate and not enough, even today I can feel that way. The difference is I understand that learning and growing are essential for my progression and having a small sense of not feeling good enough can push me to the next level. I’ve also learned the value of training and seeking the answers when I don’t understand something. It is this that has propelled me to the next level.
The other reality is when I let my insecurities control me and I didn’t reach, I didn’t grow, and worse, I became unhappy. When I started that training and understanding of the music industry it was life-changing and has led me down many paths of success. I have performed the anthem for every major stadium in my area (Fenway, Gillette Stadium, T.D. Banknorth, and the DCU Center). Had I not stuck with it and most importantly sought out training I would not be where I am today!
If I can instill in you all anything it would be to stay your course even in the times when things seem to not be happening and seek out training to help you gain more confidence in yourself.