Patrice Peris Voice Studio

Patrice Peris Blog: The Battle Of Changing Keys


Ok, I get it you want to sing in the same key as the original artist because if you do that speaks to your talent.  Some how if we can sing the same notes as they did, even if they don’t sound as good, it will mean we are at the same level as that artist.  Trust me I have been there and I completely understand!  The issue is that song was written for THAT persons voice not OUR voice.  And yes sometimes it works out that we can sing in the same key and it fits but other times it just doesn’t!  It has been something I have had to grow into as an artist and it is something as a coach I have to work with with my singers. It is the battle of to change the key or not.  My advice would be if need do it! The reality most audiences will never notice. They will notice you struggling more than they would ever know you changed a key, be it higher or lower.  A good thing you can do as an artist is take a song and sing it in the original key from here take the key a half step lower,and than a whole step lower, from here take it a half step higher and a full step higher.  Record yourself and pay attention to what sounds and feels the best. The truth is it makes you no less an artist by doing it in a different key.  It means you understand your voice and will showcase your best self!

So go ahead and change the keys, you may be surprised with what you hear!


4 thoughts on “Patrice Peris Blog: The Battle Of Changing Keys”

  1. Interesting blog. I picked a song that was already pretty much in ‘my key’ but there’s probably a better song lyrically for me. I’ve considered changing for my lessons.

    1. Joe, definitely play around. You may find by lowering or raising it a half step it hits a different part of your voice that feels and sounds better. This is also not to say that the original key does not do this. It is just to many times artist are reluctant about changing keys because they “want to do it in the same key as the artist” rather than do what is best for them.

  2. I feel you are absolutely correct! The listeners will surely notice if a singer is not hitting the notes, but seldom notice (or care or even realize) if a key is changed and the singer IS hitting the notes. They are engrossed in a fine performance instead of suffering through a poor one. The listener expects the singer to hit the notes and only notices when the notes are not spot on, with quality. In my opinion, sing the song in the key that is best for you and enjoy being the very best “you” can be. As Frankie & Elvis said, “I did it my way”!

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