At the tender age of just five years old Amrita Kumar found her passion; “When I was a little younger than five years old, I remember seeing a movie titled No Reservations and being absolutely blown away by the music in the film. I picked up a keyboard and tried to pick out the notes myself, in which my parents knew that I was headed in a musical direction. That movie inspired me to begin piano lessons and later, singing and theatre” the young singer says. Now, years later, Amrita has been hustling at Patrice Peris Voice Studios with vocal lessons, learning how to hone her passion into a career.Though versatile when it comes to her genera and style, Amrita tends to stick with musical theater. Over the course of the past few years, Amrita has been a part of the following musicals: Seussical, Mary Poppins, Annie Jr., and All Shook Up. Not to mention, she is currently preparing for her audition for this year’s Centre Stage production of Chicago. On the subject of theater Amrita says, “as a performer in musical theatre, one thing I always look forward to are the group numbers in a show. As much as I enjoy working on duets and solos, group numbers always have this certain magical quality to it. Everyone feeds off each other’s energy and conveys it through song and dance. This is something especially unique to theatre and cannot be found elsewhere.”
As for her future goals, Amrita hopes to study music education and one day teach young kids the fundamentals of music, as well as inspiring them to follow their passions as well. We have been so lucky to be a part in Amrita’s musical journey and cannot wait to see all of her dreams come true!
Be sure to follow Amrita!