Patrice Peris Voice Studio

The Importance Of Consistency: #MusicIndustryTip Blog From Team Member Cate Toole! 


“One thing I’ve noticed, whether it be pursuing music or trying to fulfill any goal, is the importance of consistency. Living in Nashville (where 90% of the people around you are upcoming artists of some sort) you notice that even though everyone is ‘trying to make it’ around you, you tend to hear the same few names and see the same faces that are making actual progress. It’s their consistency that makes their name reputable. People are creatures of habit. On Thursday’s for example, I go to a local bar with my friends and see the same band play consistently every week. It is to the point where we only go there because we know we will love the music. But I loved it even more when I showed up that one Thursday night to see someone new, because that meant our favorite band was onto somewhere bigger and better. Always take every chance you get to follow your dreams. Bigger opportunities don’t just come, they follow.”


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