If you’ve read any of my past blogs, then you probably know that I am a huge advocate for not only thinking out your goals but actually writing them down. There is something about taking that thought and putting it physically in front of you. It adds an element of accountability which I think is crucial to actually executing our goals.
There is another huge aspect of accomplishing our goals that cannot be overlooked and that is a schedule. An actual schedule or practice routine that you can put down and then see the course towards your goals.
Why is a schedule so important? Well, I don’t know anyone that doesn’t have a lot going on in their lives. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t have things that can easily distract them, especially in the world of social media. These distractions take us away from our weekly targets and to-dos.
In a world of constant distractions, and I can speak to this personally, I can tend to push the things I have to do to the side and get occupied with other things. To try to fix this, I wanted to make sure that I set a schedule and stayed on course with the things I needed to do. Was I perfect in my pursuit? No! BUT there has been a world of difference between my mental state and actual production since taking the time to plan out a realistic schedule.
In the process of creating a realistic schedule, I also discovered some things that just weren’t realistic. I had to adjust and make room for some things by getting rid of others.
Moving forward, it is crucial that you take the time and plan out when you are actually going to do things. When are you going to do your scale warm-ups? When are you going to write songs and book gigs?
When we don’t schedule these things out, it becomes so easy to get distracted by everything else going on in your life.
I challenge you to try for two months to write out everything that you want to get done in a realistic way. If you want to write more songs, then put down when you are going to spend time writing. If your goal is to book more shows, then block out specific times in your day or week when you are going to reach out to venues.
I hope this year brings you lots of wonderful things and I look forward to seeing your success!