The Latest Patrice Peris Voice Studios Newsletter Has Arrived!
Hello All!
The past four months have gone by like the blink of an eye, but so much has happened at the studio! Even with the record breaking amount of snow we had this year, open mics, auditions, shows, and workshops all still managed to get accomplished! Below, check out some of the season’s highlights and take a look at incredible upcoming events and classes!
Songwriting Workshop!
Starting the year off, the songwriting workshop, hosted in mid-January and February, was a huge success! One of the many highlights was seeing how each individual created a unique piece of their own, and it was a blast watching those lyrics come to life in the studio. Watching everyone work really drove home my belief that there are no right or wrong processes or formats when it comes to writing. While there are a lot of great writing tips and tools out there, at the end of the day, writing is an individual practice one must explore on their own.

Return to Tatnuck Booksellers!
Shortly after the workshop was yet another successful Open Mic at the Tatnuck Booksellers! Anand Desai on his guitar did an excellent mash up of “Sweater Weather” and “Riptide” which was both creative and powerful. Ciara Cargiulo belted out “Mamma Knows Best” which left the crowd in awe. As always, the eclectic group of poets, singers, and speakers who gathered were welcoming and talented!
NU Café Open Mics
On February 7th, the NU Cafe Open Mic was packed as usual. Kassie Sakhat and Anyee Li managed to get the entire crowds’ attention. Kassie showed off her beautiful vocals with “Skinny Love” and “Valerie,” managing to combine both old and new styles while making each piece her own. At just ten years old, Anye Li successfully performed the powerful song “Titanium.” She even caught the attention of some students whom proceeded to video her performance as a keepsake and proof of some young talent on the rise.
Again on April 11th, we had yet another successful night at the Nu Café! Cate Toole started the night off by performing one of the radios hottest hits right now, “Ghost” by Ella Henderson and she did not disappoint. Twelve year old Kassie Sakhat was next with a cover of Ariana Grande’s, “My Everything.” Melanie Mulrain got the whole rooms attention by breaking out Sugarland’s, “Stay.” Veronica Homand sultry version of “Young and Beautiful” would have made Lana Del Rey very proud. And finally, Ciara Cargiulo ended the night with an enthusiastic performance of Paramore’s, “Aint It Fun!” The singers gained the attention of everyone in the crowded café.
Music Spotlight Section!
Patrice Peris’s single, “Walking Away” released! Produced by Jared Hancock at Surefire Creative Studios, “Walking Away” was released March 27th! Patrice believes the song is her “greatest piece to date!” You can find the single on her upcoming EP, alongside other original work. Keep an eye out for the full EP to be released by the end of the year! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciKRk2oA884

On March 19th, artist Chrissie released a cover of “Lips Are Movin” by Meghan Trainor! Chrissie brings her fun, enthusiastic personality to the piece which really makes it worth a listen! The cover was produced by Jared Hancock at Surefire Creative Studios! You can check out the song and get updates from Chrissie at her Facebook page, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKTLLxVRoL4!
Cate Toole also released a cover produced by Jared Hancock of Surefire Creative Studios at the end of April 2015! Cate did her own take on Ellie Goulding’s hottest hit right now, “Love Me Like You Do!” You can find the cover along with additional updates from Cate by liking her Facebook page, www.facebook.com/catetoolemusic!
Special Shout-outs!
Upcoming Performances!
There have been so many wonderful opportunities in the past few months, and they will be continuing! You don’t want to miss out!
- Stop by Westborough’s Spring Fest on May 2nd to check out performers, Kassie Sakhat, Ciara Cargiulo, John MiWanda and Veronica Homand!
- Join Chrissie on May 3rd, 2015 at the 9ines Sunday Songs for Soldiers! Enjoy the all-day event featuring local music to show support for local veterans! 100% of donations made will go to the local Veterans shelter. Chrissie will be playing alongside the very talented: Shamrock Whiskey, Shakedown Street, The Bubbleheads, Left-Right, Stonethrow, Mike O’connell, Bent Hen & Rich Mack!
- On May 12th, check out Isabella Vukmirovits, Sophia Moreno, Colleen McNamara, John Miwanda, Taylor, and McKenna Katz performing for the Shrewsbury Oak Middle School concert. Show starts at 7 p.m.
- Sunday, May 17thartists such as, Cate Toole, Ciara Cargiulo, Kassie Sakhat and Veronica Homand will be singing at
- -Faneuil Hall along with Patrice! There will be a variety of music between 1:00 and 3:30 p.m.! You won’t want to miss out!96
- On June 5thand 6th, you can check out Colleen McNamara, Taylor, and McKenna Katz in the Shrewsbury Oak Middle Schools production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
- Kassie Sakhat will be singing the National anthem for the Worcester Bravehearts game on June 19th!
- Catch Emily and Andrew Salonich in Tarzan the Musical on June, 19th, 20thand 21st! The musical is being run by Milford Performing Arts Center in Milford, MA, and it is a must see show!
- You can find Cate Toole singing the National Anthem on June 28thfor The North Shore Navigators as well as July 28th for the Worcester Bravehearts!

Group Voice Class– This six week class is a great option for those looking to get some extra practice in a group setting. Each student will have the chance to practice a song of their choice while giving and receiving feedback. This class is limited to six people. Meetings will be Wednesdays from 7 – 8:30 p.m. starting the first week in June. Cost is $75 per student.
Summer Private Voice Lessons Special: Sign up for this program and save 15% on private lessons!! Private lessons are available for anyone from beginners to professionals. The summer is a great time to learn a new skill or to refine your craft, so why not take advantage of this deal? Students will learn the fundamentals of singing and how to create a contemporary sound that can compete with the music on the radio. This thirteen week program starts the first week in June and runs through the last week in August! Half hour and hour long classes are both available. The cost for half hour lessons is $442, and the cost for hour long lessons is $828.75.
Performance Workshop: This seven week workshop will go over the fundamentals of performing, providing students with valuable tools to conquer stage fright, learn how to really engage an audience, learn the keys to a successful performance, and much more! It is perfect for those just starting out as well as seasoned pros. At the end of the workshop, will get the chance to showcase what they have learned in a performance set up outside the studio. Class is limited to six people, so don’t miss out! It will be held on Tuesdays from 7 – 9 p.m. starting on June 2nd. Cost is $225 per student.
Songwriters Circle: The Songwriters Circle will be held on the third Thursday of every month over the summer! This is a great way to get feedback on your songs from other writers as well as fine tune your skills. And don’t worry if you haven’t been writing. There will be drills each class to help get the creative juices flowing! Cost is $15.
Introductory Voice Class: This eight week class will cover all the fundamentals of singing, including: the correct way to breathe, help with expanding one’s range, tips for singing high notes, and the importance of giving an emotional performance to name a few. This class is for new students only. Class starts the second week in June and will be held Mondays from 5 – 6:30 p.m. Class size is limited to six people. Cost is $225 per student.
Performance Photos:
Songwriting Workshop Photos:



