Since COVID-19, one of the positives that have come about is an awareness of hygiene and making sure to be clean. As a neat freak, I am thrilled about this. But today I want to address something else you should get rid of and I’m not talking about germs.
I have stressed this point in other posts but I wanted to reiterate it, as it truly is a vital factor in your success. Whether you are just breezing through as a social scroller, an artist looking, or in the field, I hope you take a moment and read this. I know I need this reminder on a yearly basis. So here it goes….
Whether you want to believe it or not, you are a sum of the five people you surround yourself with. You see, the people in your circle will influence your drive and direction. Small thinking people will be intimidated by big thinking people’s goals and ultimately want to bring them down to their level. I remember growing up and hearing the saying “misery loves company.” It only now makes more and more sense to me how this works. Most artists I know are big dreamers and have huge aspirations. It is crazy the number of times I watch people slowly lose their light as they go on or as people “talk” to them. So to all my dreamers, keep dreaming big and setting the plans. Put yourself in circles where others are thinking big and make sure that those are also people with good intentions.
As a fun exercise take a moment and write down the five people closest to you. Then take a look at their personalities and ambitions. Lastly, take a look at your goals and see if they align. If not find the right people to put yourself around and don’t be afraid to let the others go. They will either rise to the occasion or not.