If you want people to come on board with you, you need to first be onboard with yourself.
You see, no one is going to buy a product that the creator doesn’t stand by. It’s that simple.
Have you ever bought crap online because the marketing team is amazing and is proclaiming this product is the best thing out there? I know I have! So how do you start to believe in yourself enough to get others on board? Time, practice, actions, and repeat. Confidence comes when you do something so much that you know you can do it without thinking about it.
In all honesty, anyone who thinks this stuff happens overnight is just being delusional. Building confidence in yourself and your craft can take time. So if you aren’t confident enough now then do whatever it takes to get yourself there. That means investing in you. Learning, growing, developing. Because at the end of the day you will not have people buying into you unless you sell them first and if you do not love your product don’t expect others to as well.
You’ve probably heard the saying, ‘fake it til’ you make it.’ How about ‘train, try, fail, learn, grow, repeat till you make it.’ You can fake something for so long until it no longer works.
So what I would say to all you fabulous beginner or established artists is, stop trying to pretend you’re the best and start being it. Stop all the negative thoughts about what you can’t do and start embracing your strengths and what you can do! Stop thinking others are lucky and you aren’t, create your luck/opportunity. It’s time to shift the mindset so you can truly embrace yourself and start loving your product. And this is how you gain a committed audience who will believe in you when you believe in yourself!